Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Ladies and Gentleman... Mr.Cleese

Back to December, seeings as I blog just about every fortnight (that means 2 months right?) - I shot a commercial with the legendary John Cleese. For realsies - I know it looks like my head is photoshopped into his armpit - but I assure you that is just the magic of digital photography. My lit agent said that it did cross her mind that I looked like "a bobblehead." Flatterer - where are my contracts? It was a spot for Kaupthing Bank. What? You've never heard of the biggest bank in Iceland? Yeah, me neither - but who cares what the product is when it is John Cleese. He was very nice - if that was going to be your next question. But it was only a few days before Christmas and everyone was a bit overwhelmed. The shoot was at Frank Sinatra's old house in Topanga. I'll try to post a picture - it was bizarre and gorgeous. If you recognize the pool it is because that is where Marilyn Monroe's last photo shoot was.

1 comment:

Madley said...

How fun -- JOHN CLEESE! Two very funny people in the shot (armpit or not!)... congrats!

Will it air here?